A nonny mouse who’s privy to the sea = Mai’s free from the dumbs

Surprise! It’s a two-for-one! That’s right! I’ve added two posts in the same day! WOOOO! Get excited!…but not too much, because this will never happen again. Anyway!

Raise your hand if you understand the title!


Well, maybe a few of you will get at least part of it by the end. Anyway…

For a reason that a few may pick up on, I’ve been feeling like it’s time to share why I write this blog anonymously with absolutely no regard for regularity or the passage of time.

Warning: This one’s going to get a bit dark.

First off, I AIN’T GOTS NO TIMES! And, by that I mean that I’m poor…very poor. I’m so poor that I wouldn’t be considered upper class in an “undeveloped” country. (Sure, I could’ve written a joke to get a cheap laugh, but I’m not a whore for laughs—or for anything for that matter, and I prefer to make people think. IT WAS A CREATIVE CHOICE AND I STAND BY IT, DAMN YOU!) You see, unlike you degenerates, I’m not a delusional, narcissistic, hypocrite who feels the need for validation from strangers, family, friends, or anyone, and being someone who refuses to put anything or anyone else above my health and well-being doesn’t bring in the big or medium-sized bucks, and no one would pay me to write the contents in these posts because nothing and no one is off-limits for me—or are there some masochists out there who would…? Let me know and I’ll gladly install a plugin for you to donate!

…I’m not joking.

Anyway, I mean, how dare someone choose to put their health above the Almighty God (White Massa) and his obsessive-compulsive need to control and manipulate everyone and everything because he’s terrified of everyone figuring out that’s he’s actually an incompetent impostor who’s afraid of becoming irrelevant and excluded! This means that my source of income requires a lot more of my time for a lot less money….ahhh…poverty. With what sporadic and little free time that I do have, I’ve been using it to try to find at least one person with access to the internet to prove me wrong about what humanity has become (otherwise known as, I’m trying to start something that will allow me to use my unique skill set to continue acquiring more skills and knowledge that will enable more self-reliance and further improve my health while not being bound by White Massa’s sadistic and destructive rules, and to help others who genuinely want the same, because access to knowledge shouldn’t be a privilege—a global non-profit organization, if you will. Vague, I know, but a few of you reading this know what I’m talking about…ahem). But, alas, no one has. I’m not surprised, but it’s still disappointing.

…DAMN YOU, GATEKEEPERS AND YOUR SOLELY SELF-SERVING PERSONAL AGENDAS! (I’m emphatically shaking my fist at you in my head just so you know.)


Then, there’s the primary, overarching reason. I know a lot about a lot, and I understand humanity better than anyone before me has, and better than anyone after me ever will (of course you don’t get it if this is the first post that you’re reading. I can forgive your ignorance under the circumstances). To help you better understand where I’m coming from, let’s consider the iceberg metaphor. Let’s take the iceberg as the current amount of knowledge of which I consciously possess—about any and all things. All of the people who have ever even gotten a far-off glimpse of just the tip of the iceberg from above the surface of the water have gone clinically insane and killed themselves, become heavily addicted to (illegal or legal) drugs, died of an (intentional or “accidental”) drug overdose, ended up in some sort of state institution in a constant zombie-like semi-conscious state as a result of being hopped up on doctor-recommended medications, and/or gone on a psychotic homicidal rampage(s).

No, I’m not exaggerating. YOU DON’T KNOW MY LIFE!…and I choose to keep it and make sure that it stays that way. #metoo, My body, my choice!

Anyhoo-how, there is not enough man-made money in this world that would ever make me want to be, or, even just be okay with being, famous. I will, under no circumstances, be anyone’s cult leader, personal life coach, weapon/tool, god, idol, or whatever other title that humans have given to animals/things who/that are used as a means to shirk responsibility or blame for one’s own life or actions out of fear. You see, you all seem to believe that there are only two types of people in the world: leaders and followers. I realized I wasn’t a follower in middle school. However, it wasn’t until much later that I became sure that I’m also not a leader. I’m a hermit!…sans religion, of course, and the stereotypical foul body odor. I don’t have a body odor that is consciously detectable by the average, or even above-average, human olfactory system, which is a very literal and grandiloquent way of saying that I actually smell like nothing. I’m sure many of you were curious about that, so, you’re welcome. Anyway, I know that, because you very-little-to-no-self-control-having, “self-destructive behavior in moderation is good!”-subscribing creatures have a grossly perverted primal urge to put animals/things on pedestals, you won’t be able to resist doing that to me. I absolutely abhor, detest, loathe—and every other synonym available in English—pedestals, because those on pedestals can’t reach the ground. Sure, maybe a small one can give someone a broader view of what’s happening on the ground, but it never stops there. It is built higher and higher until the one atop the pedestal can’t even see the ground anymore, and has to go through many others with their own personal self-serving agendas. Other people build the pedestal, and other people are also the ones to tear it down whenever they feel like it. I will never, under any circumstances, concede such power to anyone. I don’t need a pedestal to get a broader, bird’s-eye view of what’s happening on the ground because I have the internet…and a certain natural je ne sais quoi. So, I just wanted to put this out there: I don’t want your pedestal, and, figuratively speaking, of course, if anyone even so much as attempts to try to build one for me, I will tear it down with my bare hands and everyone involved will pay dearly—but not with violence or in any traditional/expected way… I have my uniquely inimitable ways, ’cause I’z iz sthpecial like dat. What? …MY MOM SAYS I’M SPECIAL! I’m kidding about the ‘they will pay’ part…kind of…or am I…? Either way, I don’t recommend anyone attempting to find out.

While I’m on this topic…to Black people: it would be a missed opportunity to help a lot of you further your healing process if I didn’t let you know that many of you have a deeply subconscious aversion to being placed on a pedestal. It’s a long, complicated story that I will get deeper into in another post (maybe), but, you see, as I mentioned in a previous post, because of Black peoples’ higher genetic diversity, you, Black people, have skills and traits that allow you to better thrive on this planet in its natural state than other types of humans (it’s not racist…it’s fact and science and the truth. I’m not calling any race “superior,” so shut the fuck up.). Beginning thousands of years ago—up to and ending around the time that the last Nubian kingdom fell, Black people were essentially openly and consciously viewed as gods by non-Black people (Those words have been emphasized for a reason. As I said, it’s a whole long and complicated backstory that requires it’s own post, so…maybe later), because they could do so many things that they’d never before seen, and/or couldn’t do themselves. These non-Black people, but, particularly the extra-thirsty and desperate white people who didn’t have really anything to offer or know much of anything useful, wanted Black peoples’ validation/attention/acknowledgement/approval, and/or help with any and everything, from knowledge about philosophy, astronomy, medicine/healing methods, and astrology, to building/engineering projects, and whatever else. Although some may have enjoyed the attention, many just wanted to live in peace and not be constantly burdened with the responsibility of the problems of strangers and people wanting something from them. There are also those Black people who held positions of power and things didn’t go well, and they blamed themselves and regretted ever being in a position that allowed them to make decisions that affected many other people. These Black people may have lived in kingdoms in what is now Africa, such as Egypt and in the area of then-Nubia, but many left areas like Egypt to go to other places (**That was the real mass exodus, Jews. The “exodus” of what you refer to as your people was a bit different, and by “a bit”, I mean that you’ve been out here spreading whole ass lies for generations. I would shame you, and you, too, Christians, but most of you have none, so…**), possibly returning to their ancestral tribes all across the continent of what is now referred to as Africa. Some of their descendants were then kidnapped, (sometimes sold, sometimes just snatched up directly by the Great Pasty Ones), and taken to other continents to be slaves. Black people, these, too, are your ancestors, meaning that some of that fear of freedom comes from subconscious memories of what it was like when non-Black people (again, especially and particularly, white people) openly and consciously worshiped your Black ancestors—just for being Black. This has made too many of you not want to get anywhere near any position of power—even going so far as to voluntarily suppress your own innate power (and/or attempt to bring down other Black people who refuse to suppress theirs), because you just want to be left alone—with whatever is your community—to live in peace, and subconsciously don’t want what was happening long ago to come back full circle—although it never actually stopped (again…long complicated story/explanation for another time). For example, all of the “well-intentioned” white people bothering that one Black person who they know to teach them how to not be racist. This is the reason that—and I am by no means defending what this person said—Terry Crews doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled down on his absolutely ignorant…and I mean straight up ignant comments about the possibility of “Black supremacy.” It was like a game of telephone. Once his ancestors voices were filtered through all of the insecurities, trauma, and stupid, the message was ass-backward, unintelligible nonsense. Again, not a defense. I don’t defend stupid, I just explain it.

Anyway, that sense of entitlement that causes those white people to feel that you’re obligated to basically be on-call for them because you know/can do something(s) that they don’t/can’t is what many of you Black people are, on a subconscious level, desperately trying to avoid. That sense of entitlement is inevitable toward any god-like figure…which, again, with my… um…extra uniqueness, let’s say, is why I, personally, have chosen to opt out of interacting with you crazy kids in a “normal” way. So, in other words, I have to do things this way not because I wouldn’t be able to handle it, but because you clingy, entitled, dreadfully emotionally needy, highly-prone-to-obsessive/stalkerish-behavior, sado-masochistic dippin’ shits can’t. I refuse to expend any energy dealing with you peoples’ foolishness that is not absolutely necessary to maintain or improve my health and well-being. I don’t have the socially constructed time for that. Yes, that does include you. News flash: you aren’t special. Having said that, Black people, you need to learn about and acknowledge your innate, natural power, embrace and nurture it, set your personal boundaries, and, most importantly, under no conditions feel bad or guilty for doing any of these things. This, whether subconscious or conscious, fear of truly owning your own power, as well as the strong subconscious aversion to societal positions of power is much stronger in Black females. Obviously, because of the male ego, regardless of race/ethnicity, males are more desirous of praise from others, and have more of an urge to make sure people know that/when they’ve done something deemed to be good, helpful, and/or beneficial, with many often taking credit for others’ actions, in addition to a much stronger desire to want to be immortalized in some way. On the other hand, their female counterparts tend to want to be more focused on the well-being of the group. (This is exactly why the vast majority of past events have been recorded by males.)

By the way, you’re welcome for that revelatory tangent.

Look, when it comes down to it, I know that, as Fannie Lou Hamer said, “nobody’s free until everybody’s free,” and my patience has already worn reeeeeeaaaaaally thin. I WANT MY FREEDOM, AND I WANT IT NOW, DAMN IT!! Not anyone else’s version, or what anyone else thinks that my freedom should be. So, with that said, I present to you an ultimatum: give me my freedom on my terms, or let me go forever. This world doesn’t deserve me, and I don’t deserve to be chained to it, or chained up in it. (I am very deliberate about my choice of words, so think about it. Hint: this is that dark turn that I mentioned. No, not that way, you crazy kids. No one is allowed to intentionally cause me harm—that especially includes myself. It will be peaceful.)

To sum it all up, I am by far THE most selfish being on this planet. Yep, this is all about ME! MUAH HAHAHAHA! … It’s just that, unlike you all, I’m not at all self-serving. (I just blew your mind, didn’t I? Yeah, it is actually possible to be selfish but not self-serving.)

Finally, I would like to conclude this PSA by warning you that, now that I’ve spoken my truth, there will be manipulative, predatory psychopaths (mostly white people)—also known as “anti-empaths,” who will try to come out and use my personal reasons for anonymity to do vile and disgusting things because they feel that they have a new tool in their arsenal. I don’t recommend believing them, and by that I mean DON’T DO IT! IT’S A TRAP! (You missed my catchphrase, didn’t you?)

Well, do you understand the title now?

Oh, and this is very much off-topic, but you people need to stop coercing/forcing people to apologize when they have absolutely no remorse for what they’ve done. Just take that (very important and revealing) information and adjust/move accordingly. Otherwise, and what is considered to be the norm or “normal”, you’re enabling (and thus encouraging) harmful socio/psychopathic behavior. This needs to be applied to all children ASAP so that you become a society that can 1) be able to identify socio/psychopaths before they cause irreparable damage/harm/trauma to others, 2) stop enabling such tendencies (behavior) and consequently nurturing/fostering them (it), and 3) teach the children that the world is filled with people who don’t care about hurting them, so they need to learn to find healthy tools to develop self-soothing skills and lean on those who actually do in times of crisis. All of this dishonesty, duplicity, and fake nice “I’m a good person!” bullshit is you ass-backwards creatures’ main problem. I present a scenario: When a small child just suddenly throws dirt in the face of another small child—for no logical reason (I’ve seen this happen), the small child who’s just gotten dirt thrown in their eyes will inevitably cry. (Ideally, their should be two adults, where one goes immediately to the nascent psycho dirt-thrower, and the other goes immediately to the unfortunate recipient.) So, an adult overseeing their care should approach the child who’s been terrorized, help them get the dirt out of their eyes, and once they’ve calmed down a bit, then bring over the little nascent psycho (absolutely, under no conditions, do you take the child who’s been harmed to the one who harmed them) and, in front of the other child, calmly ask them if they feel bad for throwing dirt in the other one’s face. If they say no, then (again, calmly) ask why they did it. They may not be able to verbalize why, but it’ll cause them to think about what they’ve done long after that incident if they truly don’t understand why they did it, and the adult carer can calmly explain why it wasn’t okay. Then, take the terrorized child away and explain to them that there are people who do bad things and either don’t know why they did it, or don’t feel bad for doing it, but that they (the adult carer) want them (the child) to know that, not only is it okay to not play with these types of people (it’s very important to not just say kids/children), but that they (the child) should not play with them (i.e., stay away from them, in non-child terms). Do not, under any circumstances, tell them that they (the adult carer) are going to punish the other kid for being mean, because then you’re taking the focus away from them (i.e., the child who’s been harmed and still trying to process what just happened), and fostering a need for them to only be able to feel okay if they see/know that the other has been punished—emphasis on “only if”, because that is what’s unhealthy). Then, ask the child if they understand and be open to answering any possible questions honestly, tell them (the child) that they (the child) should feel free to talk about what happened to them and how it made them feel with someone who they trust, and leave it at that. (If, and only if, they ask about what’s going to happen to the child that terrorized them, then the adult carer should just tell the child that they will see to it that the other child gets the help that they need to not hurt anyone like that again. Then, the adult should state that what’s important now is that they (the harmed child) are okay). It’s also extremely important that the adult carer does not, under any circumstances, force the two children to hug, or allow the little nascent socio/pyschopath to touch the child who they harmed at all while the harmed child is still visibly upset, and until after the terrorized child has had the conversation with the adult carer that I described above. This way, the child will not grow up being a target of socio/psychopaths, because they will learn to not be dependent on others to make them “feel better”, i.e., it will be much less likely that they will enter into any type of co-dependent relationship with socio/psychopaths who emotionally manipulate or abuse them.

For the little nascent socio/psychopath, out of the sight of the child whom they’ve terrorized, the adult carer should enforce some sort of reasonable punishment, like, for young children, ask the nascent psycho if they would be okay with someone throwing dirt in their face. If they can’t yet write, then have them go and sit in a corner alone and draw a picture of someone (make sure not to say ‘child’/‘kid’ here, because this information could be very revealing) throwing dirt in their face, and how they’d feel if someone threw dirt in their face. Then, once they’ve finished, have them explain the picture (if it wasn’t in writing), and tell them that, if they ever do feel bad for throwing dirt in the other child’s face, then it’s okay to tell that to the other child. If the child can write, then make sure it is with a paper and pencil—none of that typing BS, and instead of having them write about someone throwing dirt in their face, have them write about a time that someone did something to hurt them, and how they felt. The adult carer should have them read it out loud (only to them). But, in both cases, also explain to them that that child may not want to play with them again, and that that’s the other child’s choice, because they (the little nascent socio/psychopath) did something to hurt them. This way, the socio/psychopathic behavior isn’t subconsciously rewarded/enabled in either child as a result of both kids seeing that the one who caused the harm gets more attention, and the child who caused the harm knows that their punishment for hurting people will be having to be alone and no one wanting to play with them. Plus, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will have the picture (or written assignment) to show to a child therapist if necessary. On the other side of it, the need to play the victim (and sometimes lie to do so) when not having actually been victimized is also not enabled or encouraged, because both children would be able to see that being a victim doesn’t fulfill any insecurity-based desire for extra attention that they may have, i.e., the harmed child wasn’t coddled. Both children involved will also feel that their feelings were validated and they received the attention that they needed. Also, know that there should be no exceptions for siblings. Under no conditions should socio/psychopathic behavior be encouraged or enabled. Warning signs and/or cries for help, especially from children, should not be ignored because of blood ties, or some sort of twisted sense of “loyalty”.

…and that’s how it’s done, or, rather, how it should be done, folks! Geez, I have to spell out everything for you if-humans-were-doughnuts-you’d-be-poison-flavored, degenerate simpletons. I give, and give, and give…where is my ROI, that is, where is the return on my investment, hm?…HHMM?!? I just want to be able to continue gaining the knowledge and skills that I need to improve my own health, and use my unique skill set to find and help those who need and sincerely want to do the same, but you entitled, narcissistic, little bastardized ingrates just…you know what…that’s it. I’m fucking exhausted and I have to go continue to be exploited now so that I can somehow at least maintain my current level of health. I just can’t with you creatures. I’m done.

Until next time…?

The Asian persuasion: Put some respect on their names! Bonus: Interracial relationships: the okay-to-dos and the definitely-don’t-dos-under-any-circumstances

I would like to begin by asking a question to all of the Asian-Americans and immigrants to the US from Asia: how does that tiny little nibble of a Hertz doughnut taste? Well, Black people have been force-fed Hertz doughnuts by white people for centuries, and since you’ve come to the US, most of you have decided it best to gather around to point and laugh, and/or help the white people make the Hertz doughnuts, so… Oh, did I burn you with that scalding hot tea? Look, I’m not trying to make you, Asian-Americans, feel bad, but the truth is the truth, and you need to face it…now. The truth has been patiently waiting for you for so long while you’ve been avoiding it…so rude! Anyway, more truth: This hate that you’re experiencing now could have been avoided if, when the Black community extended a sincere hand of friendship—with no other/hidden agenda—upon your arrival, instead of looking at their face, down at their hand, over at the crazy-eyed white man grinning like the psychopath that he is, back at the Black community, and then figuratively karate chopping the Black community in their throat before running away like a little bitch, you had instead accepted their sincere offer of friendship. Yes, that pun was intended, even though the Japanese-American community, unlike the Chinese (exception: the first wave of Chinese immigrants who were basically massacred by white people after the US government persuaded them to come over) and Korean communities, in particular, generally (an example of an outlier: Richard Aoki) never really figuratively karate chopped the Black community (i.e., actively engaged in harming the Black community), and basically just looked at them and their extended hand, bowed exactly 45 degrees and said “それは。。。難しいですよね~。ごめんなさい!” Then turning to walk away, taking a few steps, then turning their upper torso around back toward the Black community (because they know that they’re watching them walk away) to do a quick head-and-shoulder bow and give one more “ごめんなさい!” as they continued to walk away, vanishing in the distance. It’s a very uniquely Japanese thing…if you know anything about the culture, then you know exactly what I just described looks like…they’re an interesting people. That whole ‘round up the Japs and send them to internment camps’ thing during World War 2 may have contributed a little to how they’ve chosen to assimilate in the US, but it’s mostly just cultural. Speaking of that, had that little plan of the US government gotten out to the Black community, it wouldn’t have happened because the Black people would have raised holy hell, as some would say, and made sure that it didn’t. (Yes, it was a plan, meaning that they had thought about it for a significant period of time and it wasn’t a response to a “surprise” attack by the Japanese.) The whites in the US government learned this from pre-World War 2 times, because the Black community basically stopped the eugenics movement—that the white people in the US started, by the way—from turning into the American Holocaust, and ending up with Jews being sent off for extermination like they were in Europe. You love my tangents, don’t you? Anyway! I personally know and had close relationships with some very strong exceptions, but even though most of you Asian-Americans complain about white people seeing you as the “model minority,” whether or not you’re willing to admit it, you’re not willing to give up that white-adjacent, “model minority” status. Your biggest fear is white people treating you like they treat Black people—who you are subconsciously jealous of…like white people read this previous post if you don’t know what I’m talking about). You aren’t subconsciously jealous of white people’s biological fitness, so you subconsciously feel more comfortable being around them than you do Black people, even though the white people are just using you and turning around and mocking you for you letting them continue to do it. You’re going to have to get over your jealousy of Black people and stop being afraid of being a person of color or potentially upsetting white people. A good start would be telling them your name…no, I mean your real name. I met a second-generation Korean-American while living in South Korea who had the relatively common Korean family name of “Choi” and didn’t know that it was actually “최” and thus pronounced more like “Chweh” until they visited South Korea as an adult. Again, for Koreans, if your family name is “이”, stop spelling it like “Lee” and letting people call you that. To all the Koreans with the family name “임”, stop spelling it like “Lim”—WHERE DID THE “L” EVEN COME FROM?!?! Did the white people tell your grandparents/parents that they couldn’t spell their name like “Ee” or “Ihm” (for example) because they “thought it looked weird”? Or, is the origin more like that of the word “nigger”, which involved an imbecilic racist fucktard with wildly misplaced confidence that was solely rooted in delusions and a complete lack of self-awareness (i.e., your friendly neighborhood white male, and, when Black people are involved, your friendly neighborhood white female)? …hmm, I wonder… Anyway, “Kim” may be as close to 김 as the vast majority of non-native Koreans can get to the correct pronunciation, but to them and the “이”’s out there, some of your ancestors paid good money for those surnames, so you better tell those white people to get it right! More broadly, to all of the non-Asian-Americans (and even those Asian-Americans to whom it applies), if you see “Yang” or “Chang,” no matter whether the name is of Chinese or Korean origin, it’s never pronounced with a long ‘a’ vowel sound…never. That’s wrong. It will always be wrong. There is no long ‘a’ vowel sound in any surname originating in East Asia. None…it doesn’t exist. What happened? The white man said “and it was so,” so you all just left it at that?? These names aren’t even difficult to pronounce! There is no excuse for this, and it has gone on for far too long! Change the spelling of your names legally if you have to (like in the case of 최 being spelled as “Choi”). TAKE A STAND, DAMN IT! I actually got a little excited when, a few months ago(?), I saw a Japanese-American girl in the commercial of some white boy-owned company that I don’t care about that was maybe selling jewelry (…?) telling people how to pronounce her name “Shiori.” In my head, I was like “YES! YOU TELL THEM YOUR NAME, GIRL! BE PROUD OF YOUR ANCESTRAL HERITAGE AND NON-WHITE CULTURE!” US Vice President Kamala Harris has corrected many-a-people who mispronounced the name that her Indian mother chose for her. For instance, US Americans have a tendency to look at “Kamala” and think of its pronunciation as “kuh-mala.” It may take some getting used to, but if you take the time to correct the people when they mispronounce your “ethnic” name, you can find out who’s actually a racist asshole. Like with US VP Kamala Harris, the people who respected her and didn’t know that they were mispronouncing her first name didn’t become flippant or upset, or deliberately mispronounce it again after they were respectfully corrected. On the other side of things—and I don’t know if they’re still doing it—when you listened to people on FOX News say her name, they would mispronounce it, mostly on purpose. Now, there are some names that are just too difficult for many with a “Western” tongue to pronounce, like so many South/eastern names. Take Thai names for example. Thai people, you should still try and give the person a chance to pronounce it, or maybe practice it for the next time you may meet, but, if their butchering of your name makes you want to strategically destroy just the connections between your eardrum and temporal lobe, then you can shorten it, or do like many of the people indigenous to what white people have named America have done and give them the English translation of your name. For instance, if your name means wisdom, then you can tell them to call you Wise. If your name means beautiful flower, then you can choose whatever flower you think is beautiful, look up the name in English, and tell them to call you that. That way you’re still honoring the thought that your parent(s) put into your first name, or, in the case of the last name, your ancestors. I also believe that all countries, not just those in Asia, should stop using the name of their country forced on them by white supremacist “Western” empires. For example, Japan attempted it for a short time in their first Olympics (by the by, I have some opinions on the Olympic games…for a later time), but they should have everything changed to Ni’ppon. Go crazy with the spelling! Make a national event out of polling on the spelling in English to promote unity and national pride! China, be Zhong-Guo, or come up with a name that isn’t as entrenched in the arrogance of ancient empires like the ‘Central Kingdom’. South Korea, have them call you the Han Republic, or Hangook—take the power away from that very uninspired slur. I could go on and on because I’m fired up!…but I won’t. The Kingdom of Swaziland has changed their name to the Kingdom of eSwatini. Of course, all of the “Western” (aka white-dominant) countries have tried to discredit this change by subtly emphasizing the fact that it is a monarchy, and are trying to imply that only the king, who is an absolute ruler, wanted this change. But, the truth is, he’s not the only one. Those people want to rid themselves of all the stench of white colonial rule, and they should be supported in that. The white supremacist empires, existing and fallen (or still deluded into believing that they’re an empire, like the US-coattail-riding UK. That good-for-nothing-unless-it-is-negative “kingdom” needs to listen to that white girl character from the first Frozen movie and “Let it go. Let it go.”—just that part of the song, though), and colonialism-supporting ass-wipes are going to push back. First, they’ll say something along the lines of ‘what’s the big deal about the name?’ ‘It’s not worth it because red tape, paperwork, yada yada, excuse, excuse.’ If that doesn’t work, they’ll start behaving more and more irrationally, with veiled threats and such…you know, the usual, because they feel that they have nothing if they don’t have absolute control over you non-white people. In the case of African countries that have made it a point to come out from under the umbrella of official white colonial rule, such as Zimbabwe, which, under white rule, was Rhodesia, white supremacist countries—with the US taking the lead, of course—have been continuously (and obsessively) actively working to make everyone in that country regret the decision and beg for them to come back and “officially” control them, which, to white males, amounts to the best orgasm they will ever experience…you know, because they’re white supremacist psychopaths. Currently, the US and UK are doing in-the-shadows/behind-the-scenes (i.e., “highly classified and confidential”) work throughout Africa and elsewhere…US Americans and UK citizens, you should really look into where your tax dollars are going and what (secret) foreign “causes” they’re funding. (The members of the RWBC (rich white boy club) know, and are participating in it. That’s why they aren’t paying and don’t want to pay taxes.) But don’t back down…there is a limit to their resources after all. Ask them, if it’s not such a big deal, then why are you acting like it is? Deutschland, Italia, España…everybody! This is a low-key way to say fuck you to the UK and US. Be your own nation! Michael Jackson sang it: “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a…change.” So many Black people in North America and in the Caribbean—and the indigenous peoples of what has been christened as the Americas and Australia, have had their names (as well as their heritage, cultures, and so many other irreplaceable things) stolen from them by white people, but you, Asians, are just handing it over to them. That’s like an indirect slap in the face to those Black and Indigenous people. How can they respect you when you just hand it over so easily, without any fight? As a matter of fact, to encourage better relations between Asians and Black people in the US, I propose that you, Asian(-American)s do the following: if you have an Asian name that has been historically and widely mispronounced (such as “Yang”), the next time that you meet with a Black person one-on-one—and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a professional setting, or if you already know them, explain to them that your family name is widely mispronounced, and that you honestly either didn’t know, or didn’t feel comfortable correcting people until recently because you were afraid of white people viewing you as “unAmerican” and revoking your “white-adjacent” status as a result of you showing pride in your non-white heritage. Then, finish by putting your shoulders back, lifting your chin slightly with a slight tilt of the head, going deadpan with the face, and saying “…so I’d appreciate if you’d start putting some respect on my name.” The Black person will laugh, but it won’t be a laugh at you; they’ll be laughing because they’re simultaneously impressed and have a newfound respect for you. Trust me. This technique can bring the Black and Asian communities together. However, I must warn you. Don’t do this with one of those self-hating Black people who has clearly deluded themselves into thinking that white people will accept them as one of their own if they just try hard enough. It may not be your culture, but you have many of those self-hating people in your community, too, so you know what it looks like. Trust your instincts. Sing it with me… “We are the world…”…which there won’t be much left of unless you get rid of white peop-…supremacy…white supremacy. AHAHAHA! I just scared the shit out of the white people reading this. ‘NOOOOOOO! THE BLACK AND ASIAN COMMUNITIES CAN’T COME TOGETHER TO STAND UP TO AND FIGHT WHITE SUPREMACYYYYYYY!’ Those in the US alphabet agencies (i.e., FBI, CIA, etc.) are like ‘Go round up some niggers with criminal records to go around pushing and punching the slanty-eyed China people in exchange for expungement (because all Asians are Chinese to many of them)!’ ‘Amp up the anti-China rhetoric in the media!’ ‘Who’s got ideas on how to force the China people to betray the nigger folk? Quick!’ To them I say, GO SIT YOUR IRRATIONALLY PARANOID, WEAK, PASTY, SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, USELESS PSYCHOPATHIC ASS IN THE CORNER AND SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU COWARD! Or, to put it more nicely: Sssh! Go over there and play with all the shiny things you’ve forced everyone else to make for you. The grown(-ish) people are trying to talk, sweetie. All jokes aside, when it comes down to it, Black and brown, including East Asian, people have one thing in common with each other that they don’t have in common with white people: they ultimately want peace, while white people ultimately want and need chaos to stay relevant. The difference here between Black and “developed” (very important word, there) brown (including East Asian) people is that, Black people, within what they consider to be their tribe/village/family/community, tend to be inclined to work toward and/or maintain peace by honestly communicating with each other (**however, white invaders/colonizers’ characteristic oversensitivity to direct honesty has rubbed off on them and all other non-white people in “developed” areas…because, you know…over generations, most non-white people have internalized that being directly honest with white people tended to end up with you being harmed and/or murdered, so…**), this and/or having some sort of peaceful ritual, sometimes similar to many Indigenous peoples’ way of “restorative justice,” wherein everyone in the group can feel heard and a consensus can be reached based off of what’s best for the group, whereas brown people exhibit varying levels of ‘by any means necessary’ when it comes to wanting to achieve and/or maintain peace in whatever they perceive to be their group/community—YOU’LL TAKE THIS PEACE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! (Note: An exception: brown people who still remain in “tribes” in the original sense of the word, or are considered to be “undeveloped”/”uncivilized”, tend to approach peace within their tribe in the same way as Black people.) A perfect example is China. The Chinese government does genuinely want peace for all Chinese people, but the way they’re going about it is completely reprehensible and absolutely abysmal. This is why the dysfunction of the African nations with Black males who are trying to be dictators would be pure comedy if it weren’t so tragic. It’s not in them. Black people can’t do dictatorship—they can’t be dictators, nor can they live under a dictatorship. It’s unnatural…even though, I must admit that the US, UK, China, France and in some places India and even South Korea (yeah, I know what you’re doing SoKo) aren’t making it any easier for them—the US especially, because they just can’t stay out of other peoples’ business. So, if anyone knows one of those wannabe dictators in Black Africa, please deliver this message: STOP FIGHTING NATURE, YOU DUMB-ASS! It’s not working because, even though you want to be like the white man when you grow up, you’ll never be able to see your own ass if you keep your head stuck up the white man’s. …It’s an ancient African proverb, they’ll understand. Note, however, that I emphasized ‘within what they consider to be their group’ above. White people have done their best to make Black people believe that they’re a monolith while also finding and exploiting any and all differences, big or small, between different sub-communities within the larger Black community to incite and sustain conflict…because that’s what white people do. Of course, the Black community isn’t a monolith, especially because Black Americans’ Black ancestors were snatched up from all over what is now Black Africa…and because of the whole white males being all rape-y thing…obviously. Anyhoo, what this has done is prevent Black people from achieving peace within the larger Black community in the way that is natural to them, i.e., through some form of communication, or agreed upon peaceful ritual, until a consensus is reached. Ah, white people…they don’t just block cock. To get back on topic, Asian people, you have let white people make you soft. I mean, literally soft…as in, your bodies are unnaturally squishy now, and I’m not just talking about the males—females, too! I’m not sexist! They’ve convinced the world, even the people themselves, East Asians and Indians, that all they have to offer is intellect. On the other side of things, although they’ve successfully convinced everyone else (solely because the rest of the world wants to believe it), they’ve been trying to convince Black people that they are just physically strong and fast idiots for centuries. Do you know why they’ve chosen these specific traits for these specific groups? Well, I’ll tell you just in case you aren’t sure. It’s because they need to feel superior to every non-white group in some way—for many of them, it’s the only thing keeping them alive, so they convince the world and delude themselves into believing that the strength/trait of a non-white group that they want to utilize is the only useful trait that the non-white group has. To be more specific, on average, Black people’s physical strength, speed, and endurance are superior to all other groups—it’s right in front of your face and can’t be denied. I mean, it is the reason that they have been coveted as slaves for so long. But, of course white people are jealous and need to believe that they are better at something else that is viewed as a trait necessary to thrive on this planet, so they’ve lied to themselves and everyone else, saying that that’s all Black people are useful for, even though they always turn to Black people for inspiration (to make more money) and to fix problems that they’ve created…like a bunch of fucking parasites. It’s basically them just doing that thing where someone keeps saying something out loud because they’re trying to convince themselves that it’s true. In this case, white people have been trying to convince themselves that they have a larger capacity for intelligence than Black people (on average)—which is obviously not true. In the case of Asians, because you generally have smaller body frames, in order to trick you into using your (on average) comparatively superior (to white people) cognitive abilities to come up with ideas for innovations and such that they can build off of and/or utilize, white people have worked to convince you that you’re physically weak so that you’ll just intensely focus solely on competing in STEM-related areas, but more recently and specifically, especially AI/tech. Be that as it may, during evolution, the areas in which your ancient ancestors settled required them to make a trade-off between body size and traits and abilities such as endurance, stamina, and cognitive abilities. They decided that a larger body frame wasn’t as important, which it wasn’t/isn’t in your regions. (In other words, they made the right choice in this regard.) However, although, on average, you’re physically weaker and slower overall, by weight and size, Asians are stronger and faster than white people. You, Asians, also have much more endurance and stamina. No one with any able-to-independently-function-in-society level of intelligence would call ants weak or slow just because they’re smaller than humans. But, deep down, you already knew this, and so did white people (and everyone else). For those who aren’t yet ready to admit it, I present to you the following: Japan has various long-standing traditional festivals (called matsuri) that involve local people not only carrying, but, in many cases, bouncing and rocking extremely heavy “floats” or shrines for a few miles (or several kilometers) while singing and dancing. However, because, in Japan’s obsession with trying to prove to the white supremacist empire that is basically holding them hostage (i.e., the US) that Japanese people are more intelligent, a lot of Japanese people have taken to leaving their small towns/villages and going to larger cities, leaving mostly middle-aged and nearly elderly males to continue this tradition. Anyone would be hard-pressed to find enough middle-aged white men in the entirety of the US who have never stepped foot in a gym or is currently engaged in some form of physical activity solely for the purpose of exercise who would be able to carry even one Japanese float like those middle-aged Japanese men, who have never actively sought out exercise after what was required by them in grade school (with the possible exclusion of the radio exercise)—with or without the alcohol-induced adrenaline. That’s a fact. What it comes down to is this: in an effort to compete with white people in a rigged game that they created, or somehow gain their “approval” or “validation,” Asians (and all other non-white peoples) have lost, and continue to extirpate skills, trades, and everything about their cultures that not only makes them unique, but is also healthy and good, like an actual community of people whose literal survival doesn’t depend on being suspicious of each other because, in reality, much, much more often than not, that person who’s being nice or offering to help you is only doing so because they have a hidden self-serving agenda that may or may not end up harming you, or, because much, much more often than anyone wants to admit, that person who seems so nice and charming, or upstanding, is actually a pedophile, human/sex trafficker, serial rapist, and/or any other type of on-line or off-line perverse sexual predator (side note: instead of wondering whether Jeffrey Epstein was murdered (he was), people should be asking why he suddenly lost his immunity, and who took it away…at least one very wealthy person who’s known to be a “philanthropist” could be involved). Indians are more than tech support, South/east Asians, you are more than cheap manual labor, and East Asians, you are more than creatures that invent and innovate tools for white people to ultimately weaponize (…and use against you—and all other non-white people). Asians, you are extremely creative and innovative, and that inherent creativity and innovative spirit should be focused much, much less (or, preferably, not at all) on competing with or trying to prove something to white people, because in doing so, you’re actually causing irrevocable harm to yourselves. Come…sit around the campfire as I tell you a tale of a time someone chose not to compete with a white male who really, really wanted it. I was walking the hallway to leave the gym a few years ago and there was a white couple with their son (who was white, of course) coming up behind me. The son looked to be no older than 3 years old, and as I was taking my time strolling down the hallway, I hear the little white boy run up from behind. Just before he came up next to me he shouted, “I’m gonna beat you!” and started giggling and running ahead. Without changing my pace, I glanced down at him and just casually said, “I’m not racing you.” It took him less than a full second to stop giggling and come to a full stop, although his parents were now the ones who were laughing. The look of bewilderment and embarrassment on his little pale face made it obvious that, even at that age, that little white boy felt embarrassed, because he wanted to compete, but I didn’t engage at all, leaving him with no one to compete with. If I were to have engaged and let him win, then I would have reinforced to that little white boy, who has obviously done this with people who’ve let him win before, that he should be handed “wins”/things that he didn’t earn—that others should cater to his ego because he’s oh so special. On the flip side, had I beat him, then he clearly would’ve gotten upset because, in his head (i.e., according to his self-centered delusions), I should’ve let him win precisely because I had a “natural advantage” that would allow me to “win” against others—just not him—so he “needed” it more. I may have opted to not engage simply because I don’t have an ego that requires validation by way of competition, but I taught that little white boy a very important life lesson that day, which is, as Buddy Love said it in The Nutty Professor: “YOU CAN’T BEAT ME!” Ha! I kid. Although that’s true, that wasn’t the lifelong lesson. His parents never thanked me, though… ah, well! I just hope that this story has taught you that lesson: if everyone just stops competing with the pasty socio/psychopaths, after a quick look around to see that no one’s there, they’ll soon disengage from whatever “competition” they believed themselves to be engaged in, because they won’t be getting that ego boost or “I’m going to get you next time!” feeling that they crave…they are severe narcissists after all. As I said, non-white communities need to stop thinking about white people’s “advancements” (i.e., more effective ways to self-destruct and end humanity) so much and just focus their energy, skills, and creativity on improving their own quality of life. (To be clear, that does not include exploiting/harming others outside of your community… geez, you people and your (self-)destructive attachment to money, which is merely a social construct.) And, since we’re on stereotypes, anyone who believes that Asian females are, on average, quieter and more timid, fragile, and submissive than all other females does not actually know any Asian females. Period. Having said all of that, to all of the Asian immigrants and Asian-Americans (and Pacific Islanders in the US who are mistaken for people from Asia)—or Asian-Australians/British Asians, you don’t owe these white people anything. White people aren’t your saviors! (This applies to all other groups of non-white immigrants and their descendants as well, but this particular post is primarily addressing ethnically Asian people.) This is especially true for the ethnically Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian people ‘cause…you know…REDRUM, REDRUM! WAR!…and drugs, although, to be fair, France laid the foundation for and sparked the flames that spurred the civil wars in Vietnam and Cambodia, but it’s still white people. The US just ran in and made everything so, so much worse, as they are wont to do. Even the South Koreans owe the US nothing (I’ll explain why in another post, but, long story short, they didn’t “save” South Koreans from their northern “evil” half). Let’s shift gears a bit. Contrary to the belief held—and figuratively (and sometimes literally) screamed in the face of anyone in the vicinity—by white supremacists, the people who are most negatively impacted by non-white people immigrating to the US are those in the only group that have always sincerely welcomed every group that came to the US: Black people. Fun fact: even amidst the high tension between the Korean-American and Black communities (particularly in the Los Angeles area), years before South Korea started focusing on marketing K-pop in the US, many in the Black community welcomed the Korean singer Se7en back in 2008ish—he even had an appearance on BET, but white people weren’t interested until South Korea started throwing money at them (…or gained some leverage related to their relationship with North Korea…ahem). (To be clear…never really been a fan of K-pop. I don’t seek out music at all now, but when I did, I learned that there are so many South Koreans who make much better music…just had to put that out there.) Nevertheless, most of you, Asian-Americans, at best, chose to turn your backs on them in an effort to gain the approval of the group of people who only want to exploit you, use what you’ve taught them against you, and mock you to your face. When people immigrate to the US, Black people are pushed further down the list for employment opportunities, housing opportunities (further loss of housing rights), opportunities to open their own businesses, funds to improve education, etc. Having said that, I know that, if there are any hate-reading white supremacists that have made it this far in this post, they’re currently reconsidering their anti-(non-white people)-immigration stance because, if they can be counted on to do anything, it’s to cut their nose off to spite their face when it comes to Black people—any and everything that will help to keep Black people struggling, figuratively chained, and oppressed is their wet dream. Now, to the Black people, I’m not saying that you should change your stance to unconditional anti-immigration, but this is just one of many reasons why you should care about what the US empire is doing to/in other countries. For instance, all of those people in Central and South America wouldn’t be flocking to the US if the US government wasn’t working with drug cartels, and not to mention all of the “interventions” in pretty much every other non-white country. There are millions of you with different interests and strengths, so you all don’t have to focus on it, but there should be a significant portion of you who are at least keeping up with the haps. Black people, you, too, need to be realistic about immigration and its effects. It can’t be a ‘let them all in’ stance, because you will suffer the most. In conclusion, all white people who immigrate to the US should be side-eyed. Think about it. These people left the comfort of their sea of whiteness to move to the US…?!? Make no mistake. There is only one reason for it: they are the mediocre among the mediocre, meaning that even their mediocrity is subpar, and they know that, in moving to the US, they will at least not be at the bottom because they have their whiteness… and that their “Europeanness” (or just foreign whiteness) will automatically make them “special” or “interesting” (…to the idiots) …that or they’re spies, so any way you look at it, they are very suspect. …But you didn’t hear that from me. Listen, the US doesn’t need anymore “wretched refuse” from Europe via any country, okay? This land filled that quota when the Indigenous people decided to not kill the stinky pasties on sight. …and white people call everyone else amoral savages. …What? It’s a joke. Calm down, white people. No one’s trying to exterminate you. Well, at least non-white people aren’t. I could mention the white Christians wanting to exterminate white Jews thing again, but I’m tired of bringing that up, so I’ll give you another example. Drum roll, please… … Stephen Paddock! Remember him? Yes, that’s right, folks! There was that one person (or maybe two people) in the FBI who figured it out but didn’t want to admit it to the public, but Stephen Paddock was a white man who had become overwhelmingly racked with the guilt of his and others’ white privilege. Think about it. He was wealthy, and during the time of amassing that wealth, he interacted with a lot of vile and disgustingly privileged white people who couldn’t care less about how they were harming others, and those who even found it to be amusing and would joke about it. However, during that time, he just tried to let it go and go along with the rich white boy crowd, ultimately becoming one of them and hating himself for it to the point that he became an extremely depressed, severe alcoholic whose mental health just went on a continuous downward spiral until he hated himself and his and others’ whiteness so much that he wanted to try to kill as many white people as he could before killing himself. That’s why, even though he booked a room for Lollapalooza in Chicago, and a condo unit for the Life is Beautiful festival in Las Vegas (which he checked into), he chose a country music festival. This man was obviously not an idiot. He looked into Lollapalooza and saw that the crowd would be fairly mixed. He also went to check out the Life is Beautiful festival in person and did not go through with it there because he saw so many non-white people. Keep in mind that he’d already sent his non-white girlfriend to her origin country with more than $100,000 by this time. Then, there was the Route 91 Harvest music festival, which is a country music festival, basically guaranteeing that at least 95% of the attendees would be white people. That’s the one he chose. I mean, it’s pretty damn obvious. So, white people, you should be afraid. You should be very afraid…of other white people…unless, that is, you actually do have a death wish, because he wasn’t the first white person to want all white people exterminated, and he won’t be the last. …white-on-white violence is ever so troubling. Anyway, white people, Black and brown people just want you to stop, you know, being “white [person]-lying” sadistic, racist, controlling, manipulative, paranoid-personality-disorder-having narcissistic psychopaths with no self-awareness and very-little-to-no self-control. Speaking of the people who are indigenous to the Americas, to any Indigenous person who happens upon this post and refers to themselves as an “Indian” in a way that is not mocking the dumb-ass white people who, even after more than half a millennium, still haven’t figured out that India is on another continent, I just want to let you know that I actually cringe anytime I see or hear/read about one of you doing that. Your ancestors have asked me to request that you stop because you’re an embarrassment. Their words, not mine. DON’T SHOOT THE MESSENGER! Anyway, so, what’s in a name, you ask? It’s your heritage and culture. I know it’s difficult for many of you, ethnically Asian people (trying to cover those in their respective countries and in the Asian diaspora), to try to own your name now because it’s been as it is for a while, and it may not seem like that big of a deal. But, it is, and I guarantee you that after you take this stand, you’ll feel a sense of freedom that you’ve never felt, and you’ll be respected more for it…by the non-white people and few non-white-supremacist white people, at least. Now is the time, because (for those living in the US) look around you, the white supremacists are on your ass now, too, and you need to ally with Black and (other) brown people and start weaning yourselves off of white supremacists teets…ASAP. Lastly, I’d like to end with a classic song: Everybody was kung-flu fighting [duh nuh nuh nuh] Huh! [nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh]. …what? I know it’s “tone-deaf”, and that the term ‘kung-flu’ originated from racist, anti-China, anti-Asian white people, but damn it all if that wasn’t a good one—in theory. The whole stemming-solely-from-racism/hate thing, in combination with the complete lack of soul (no, not “a soul”) thing, made their little remix completely unfunny. But, you know that they weren’t the only ones thinking it. With that said, white people, no, you can’t go around singing/saying this and then saying it’s okay because you’re not racist, you’re just trying to be “punny.” I do it because I have to keep you all on your toes…can’t have people out here in these streets thinking that I’m too nice, n’ah mean? Wait! Don’t come after me cancel culture! …is that how it works? …is… is there some sort of bat call or something? …Meh, “cancel culture” is just another example of what happens when white people get their hands on something—they always take it TO THE EXTREEEEEME!!! (Imagine that being said by a headbanging white person with at least shoulder-length greasy, dirty hair who is also making the “rock on” sign with their hands…you know, because it’s funnier that way.) On a somewhat related note, RIP FUBU. Oh, and one more thing, I just want to provide a clear answer to the age-old question: who’s more foolish, the fool, or the one who follows the fool? The indisputable answer is and always will be… the one who follows the fool, because, even though they know better, they choose to follow the fool anyway. …white people have tricked you all into thinking “love is all you need”. First off, it is not. It’s not even in the top five of things that humans need. You can start by asking divorcees. Let’s also keep in mind what “love” actually is. White people actually “love” Black people more than anything. Those white slave owners really loved the Black female, and male, slaves they were raping. White people also have so many of you dipshits, who are thoroughly unhappy with your life in general, thinking that licking assholes is okay and “sex-positive”…licking. assholes…as in where feces is excreted. …Some of you even have the audacity to try to shame, ridicule, and/or outcast those with some damn sense who rightfully don’t want to do it, as if they are the ones with the problem. ‘You should just try it.’ ‘Everyone else is doing it.’ ‘It’ll make you feel good’/’It’ll feel good.’ Then, enough people admit that they’ve done it, and those who say that it’s disgusting, wrong, and/or harmful are (in the olden days the white people would use murder and/or torture to silence them) treated as weirdo boring prudes who want to ruin everyone else’s fun if they don’t go along. What is this obsession with consuming other humans’ various types of excrement and excretions, and/or having them consume yours?!? Do you think that the koala bear is your spirit animal or something?…Are you secretly jealous of people like R. Kelly?… Seriously…what. in the actual fuck. is wrong with you people?!? (all rhetorical questions. I, fortunately, or unfortunately, know the answers…) This is how dumb, harmful, and self-destructive shit gets normalized, you. dumb. fucks. …out here demanding that someone has to lick your asshole to show you that they really love you… fucking dumb-asses. Interracial Relationships: the okay-to-dos and the definitely-don’t-dos-under-any-circumstances Speaking of dumb-asses who fuck, I would like to discuss romantic and/or sexual interracial relationships, escapades, entanglements, encounters, conquests, and whatever other words you kids use or have made up to try to describe or explain your unconventional relationships. I apparently was a bit too subtle in my last post, and I know I’m going to lose a lot of people here, but, for those of you who have previously read other posts of mine, you know that I don’t care. Anyway, I’d like to start by pointing out something that is very obvious, but very, very few people say out loud: nature doesn’t approve of Black and white people mating. Black/white biracial offspring are the only type of biracial offspring that, more often than not, end up with hair that is much lighter than that of the parent with the lighter hair, which, in this case, is always the white parent. For instance, there are a lot of Black/white biracial people with dirty blonde hair, although the hair that naturally grows/grew out of the white parent’s head is/was brown. Also, there are a lot of biracial people who simply just look like someone took some machine and just drained the color from their skin—don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about! And, while we’re being honest, there are some who are otherwise relatively healthy, but just look like abominations to nature, where nature was clearly just like…Why would you do this?…I don’t know what to do with this genetic mix. Of course it isn’t all of them, but these things are unique to Black/white biracial people. That, you can’t deny. In addition to it being completely unnatural, there’s the societal aspects and mental health of the Black people and biracial children involved that must be considered. Before I provide a couple of examples, there’s an elephant in the room that needs to be acknowledged. All Black/white biracial people go through a severe identity crisis that is unique to Black/white biracial people because of white peoples’ millenia-long extremely toxic obsession with Black people. Any who say that they have not gone through this is either lying or completely delusional. For the record, the completely delusional ones are always biracial males with a white mother—it has to do with the whole mother/son codependency thing in general and the son wanting to please his racist white mother. Now, on to the examples. First, there’s the Stephanie Denaro, or “Bakery Karen” case. There’s no way her biracial children are going to be okay with a mother like that. She said that in front of them in public, so there’s no telling what she has said/says to or in front of them at home in private. She didn’t just wake up one day during the marriage to that Black male as a racist. She was a racist before he met her, but that didn’t stop him and his personal agenda. However, since the video went viral, he started acting like he cares/cared about her being racist. Example deux: I recently came to learn about a Black/white biracial author who grew up surrounded only by her white mother and white mothers’ family in a mostly white community. She stated that she grew up hearing her white mother speak badly of her Black biological father and Black males in general, ultimately poisoning her against all Black males well into adulthood. She, unsurprisingly, ended up marrying a white male and eventually coming to terms with her own internalized racism against Black males and has embraced her Blackness. She has a son who, considering that he’s less than a quarter Black given the fact that Black Americans with roots dating back to slavery aren’t 100% Motherland Black, one can only presume looks like a tanned white boy with curly hair, or, at most, “racially ambiguous”. Nevertheless, she teaches this little boy that he’s Black, and that he’s going to be treated as such, i.e., not that he’s white-passing (which he most likely is), and thus will not be treated like even the vast majority of Black/white biracial males—especially since his father is white. What she’s ultimately doing is projecting her guilt of buying into Black male-targeted racism—and marrying a white male—onto her son, and trying to make him the “Black man” who will be able to prove her white mother wrong. She’s even gone so far as to state that her white husband knows that he’s a part of a “Black family”. Look, it’s clear that this woman has a lot of healing that she needs to do, that she’s still caught up in her trauma, and that her son is paying the price for it. The truth is that, as long as she’s with her white husband, she’ll never be able to overcome her trauma, because, whether or not she realizes it, every time she looks at him she is reminded of how she chose a white male because of internalized racism. (I’ve deliberately not included her name or the name of her book because I want this woman to heal, not be trolled.) With that said, let’s bring it back to genetic diversity. I very clearly stated in my last post that Black people have the highest genetic diversity, and implied that white people have the lowest—which is why nature is like ‘what is this foolishness, Black people?’ when they mate. It’s a win for the white people, and a huge sacrifice for the Black people. It’s unnatural, and the Black person is making an incredibly self-centered and self-serving decision. They are not thinking about their potential offspring, who ultimately are the ones who are forced to pay the price. No rights for the children. Having children nowadays is like getting a Tickle Me Elmo doll in 1996—the adults want it, and will do or pay anything to get it, including (figuratively and literally) trampling others to death, and if you’re just ruthless, persistent, and/or wealthy enough, you can get one, no matter whether you’re mentally fit enough or can provide the stability necessary for a child to grow up healthily. If anyone, or even nature, tells them they can’t have one, they lose their shit because “it’s their right!”, the potential child(ren)’s welfare and future be damned! The subconscious thought pattern of white females who seek out or agree to any type of romantic or sexual relations with Black males is at least one of the following: 1: I’m one of the good white people, so I deserve the ultimate prize of a Black partner. (This one also applies to white females with Black female partners.) 2: GIMME THEM GENES! I WANT THEM BLACK GENES IN MA UTERUS NOW!! 3: I’m jealous of Black females, so I want to take away one of the “good” Black males! That’ll show them nigger bitches! Now they’ll know how I feel!! Don’t try to deny it, white females. Your brand of socio/psychopathy is much more duplicitous and conniving than that of white males. It’s much more subtle because you’re always playing the “woe is li’l ol’ me!” card when you get called out. Fuck your white tears and damsel in distress act, as well as all of you non-white people, particularly the males, who’s stupid enough to fall for it. Whether you are ready or willing to admit it or not, white females, at least one of those categories applies to you. Which do you think applies/apply to Stephanie Denaro? In the case of white males who seek out or agree to any type of romantic or sexual relations with Black females or males, their subconscious (or conscious) thought pattern is simply “I WIN!” “I HAVE CONQUERED THE BLACK FEMALE/MALE!” “I GET THE ULTIMATE PRIZE OF THE BLACK FEMALE/MALE!” While I’m on this, FOR THE SAKE OF WHAT WAY TOO MANY OF YOU DELUSIONAL TWITS BELIEVE TO BE A BEARDED WHITE MAN SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE SKY WHO YOU CAN FIND IF YOU JUST CONTINUE WASTING RESOURCES ON BULLSHIT TECHNOLOGY AND SEARCH HARD ENOUGH, SOMEONE PLEASE CUT ROBERT DE NIRO OFF FROM BLACK VAGINA! NO MORE BLACK VAGINA FOR ROBERT DE NIRO! I stated it in my last post that the primary catalyst for white supremacy, and particularly white male supremacy, was white males being upset that Black females refused to voluntarily mate with them, so, Black people, do you really think that increasingly rewarding them with what they want, i.e., you, and thereby showing them that their their plan is working, is going to make them be more willing to let go of white supremacy?!? Of course not, it just strengthens their resolve because they see that their plan is working. That white boy Chad Hanks?…Chet Hanks?…whatever Tom Hanks’ son’s name is, I didn’t bother to look it up. You know, the one who was talking about ‘white boy summer’… he absolutely reeks of white male entitlement, but yet, there were/are so many Black females like ‘yaassss!’ That shit is not cute or funny, and you all need to stop encouraging and enabling such inauthentic borderline appropriative behavior, because his behavior clearly does not reflect the environment in which he grew up, so he had to have picked that up from TV, movies, and music, which you have been complaining to be not well representative of Black people, right? I talked about boundaries and discipline. You’ve tried, and are exploring many different ways to eradicate white supremacy once and for all, but the truth is, it’s never going to happen as long as you’re still having romantic and/or sexual interactions with them. It has to be strictly platonic. Black people are out here treating romantic and/or sexual relationships/encounters/entanglements/etc. like some form of personalized reparations. But here’s the truth, Black people: all of the reasons that you are even attracted to white people at all are rooted in slavery/colonialism and mindfuckery (this is true for all non-white people, by the way). I know many of the Black people in relationships with white people are all like, ‘but he/she is not racist’, ‘he/she supports me and stands with me in the fight against racism’, ‘that’s not fair to me’, ‘we’re in love’, ‘me ending my relationship is not going to help end white supremacy’, ‘why should I have to suffer for what other people are doing?’, ‘my one relationship/sexual encounter is not going to make a difference’, etc. ad nauseam. But look back over those questions, and think about your reflexive response to what I said. When your response starts sounding like the same excuses that white people make to defend racism and white supremacist acts, then you know you’re that you’re very, very wrong. Why don’t you, after you test negative for COVID-19, go to Tamir Rice’s mother and tell her why you think it’s okay to have a white (romantic/sexual) partner even though you know that Black people setting that boundary will be most effective against white supremacy. Just make sure that she gets a free pass for whatever she says or does to you in the following 5 minutes. It seems as if she has a lot to get off of her chest. Or, go to a classroom in an elementary school located in a low-income Black neighborhood and explain that your reasons for wanting to pursue/continue romantic relationships with white people is more important than doing what’s truly necessary to end white supremacy and will thus allow them to receive a decent education. Or, you could go to any prison and tell one of the many Black males who are doing time for a crime they didn’t commit and try explaining your side of things. And not just those who didn’t do the crime, but those who only ended up doing the crime because their Black father, who wasn’t around because he was dead, in prison, or running the streets, had a Black father who wasn’t around because he was dead, in prison, or running the streets, who had a Black father who wasn’t around because he was dead or in prison. Go ahead. I dare you. Just not the ones who are so desperate for female attention that they’ve allowed themselves to be preyed upon by fat white females who’ve started writing them in prison and possibly visiting them, saying “I’ll be waiting for you when you get out, boo.” (Oh don’t give me that body-shaming nonsense, they are always fat.) Like many of you Black activists with white partners telling white people that they can’t just be ‘not racist’, that they have to make sacrifices and be anti-racist, you, too, have to make some unpleasant/uncomfortable changes if you truly want to end white supremacy. (I deliberately did not use ‘sacrifices’ here because a sacrifice denotes something(s) that is given up to help someone else, but these changes are ultimately purposed to help yourself.) Otherwise, just stop going on social media and running around talking about how you’re sooo upset about all of the injustices that Black people face because you’re pissing me off, and I don’t respect you, you fucking self-contradicting, self-centered hypocritical piece of shit. (There are a number of celebrities to whom this applies, but I don’t do this to sic trolls on people.) Black males, why are so many of you still so okay with being thought of as dimwits with no self-control who will stick their penis in any mouth, asshole, or vagina that opens up for you?—bonus if they let you control them! Those of you who aren’t that way need to check your brothers, because I want you Black males to have some self-respect. And Black females (of whatever sexual orientation), you’re the ones who are supposed to be way more thoughtful about what or who goes into your vagina, and who you choose as a life partner and potential father of your offspring, because you are the ones who have to go through a long pregnancy and the pain of childbirth, as well as the ones who have to nurture the baby once it’s born (i.e., breastfeed). You are supposed to choose the best genes for your potential offspring, but you’re not thinking about them at all. You’ve fallen a long way. How could you be so fucking thoughtless and self-centered? ‘Oh, but I don’t want to be lonely’, ‘but Black males have been doing it for a long time’, wah wah wah! Many among you even go so far as to try to convince other Black females to “expand their horizons” and date white males/females, but the truth is, you just want other Black females to do it too so that you don’t feel bad about being with a white person. Pathetic. Channel that energy about not having enough Black male options into shutting down white supremacy once and for all so you can have more options, then! And, as I’ll get into in a paragraph below…why does it always have to be a white person?! There are other people of color who can be considered as options, you know. Going straight to white people…two words: Stockholm Syndrome. It applies to you Black females and males. Furthermore, that white person knows deep down that white supremacy is the only reason that you’re with them, so even if they are all ‘I support you in everything you do,’ ‘I stand with you in your fight against white supremacy,’ and are running around being all “woke”, they’re only doing it because they don’t genuinely believe that white supremacy is going to end in their lifetime. They want to continue coming off as “one of the good ones” while also continuing to get what they want, i.e., a Black mate. You’re getting played by the worst kind of white supremacist—the ones in complete denial about their own deception because they lack the capacity of self-awareness! How can you be okay with that?!? If you’re with a white person in any way that is not strictly platonic, whether it be for a few minutes or long-term, you. are. a. traitor. To the white people involved in some sort of romantic and/or sexual relations with Black people: you disgust me. I don’t respect you, and I never will unless you stop/end the non-platonic relationship(s). You are not “one of the good ones”, because, not only do the actual “good ones” not say that they are “one of the good ones”, but they also sincerely don’t believe that they are good, because they are solely focused on being better and doing better. So, if you really care about your Black partner and/or ending white supremacy, you need to discontinue any non-strictly platonic relations with Black people. Even if you don’t do it for them, continuing sexual escapades and/or relationships with them is just showing that you have no self-respect. Particularly for those white people in a romantic relationship with a Black person, you know that if the playing field was level, that Black person wouldn’t even consider you as an option because they would have so many more and better options in other Black people—and in other non-white people. How can you be okay with that? I want you to not be okay with that. I want you to have some respect for yourself. What’s more, you’re keeping them trapped in their generational trauma. You are just the ultimate deceptive white supremacist. Given the past and present realities of Black and white relations, there’s no way that a Black person can lay next to/on top of/whatever that is not strictly platonic interaction with a white person, who, mind you, has the face of their oppressor, and not have their deeply subconscious generational trauma triggered. Every. Single. Time. You can never give them the support that they need in a life partner, because you can never understand them, or what they’ve been through—you don’t even possess the capacity to understand. Black people, you should want better for yourselves. In regards to romantic interracial relationships between Black and brown people, many people in brown communities may disapprove of Black/brown interracial relationships because of subconscious jealousy of Black peoples’ genetic diversity. This is made painfully obvious by the fact that they have no problem with a white mate for themselves or a family member—because of white supremacy (the social status boost). However, there are those who, like many in any community, don’t want any mate for themselves or a family member who is not of the same race/culture. I respect that, because balancing cultures within a romantic partnership is difficult, especially if biracial/bicultural children are involved. Many people in various brown communities don’t approve of a Black partner for themselves or family members not because of jealousy, but because Blackness (i.e., the Black person’s culture, traditions, perspective, etc.) can, admittedly, be overpowering—even though the Black person in an interracial relationship never tries to force their Black culture or (individual) unique perspective as a Black person onto the other person—and they’re afraid of their culture being lost in their (or their family member’s) descendants. (There are also those who fall into this category, but believe that the social status boost of being with a white person is worth the loss of their family’s culture/heritage/traditions.) I mentioned earlier in this post that Black and brown people have something in common that they don’t have in common with white people, i.e., an innate tendency to find a path toward peace within their community. There’s also the fact that, as I mentioned in my last post, white people are just unnatural in general, whereas brown people opted to not completely disregard nature during (natural) evolution. White peoples’ culture is what? Hm?…that’s right, destruction, destructive behavior, expert psychopathy, and stealing from others’ cultures and claiming it as their own—oh, and impractical castles and creepy ass Catholic Cathedrals. On the other hand, each and every brown community/race has knowledge, skills, and traits that are useful and valuable in a natural environment. So, even if the Black person is sacrificing some of the genetic diversity in their offspring, it’s not coming at such a high cost, because the brown person also has a lot to offer beyond social status. However, real, honest conversations need to be had between Black and brown people who want to seek out interracial relationships with each other, such as how are they going to make sure that each others’ culture isn’t disrespected or ignored, and what part of each others’ culture may be okay to leave behind, and if they have a child(ren), whether or how they are going to balance the cultures. But, the truth is, after the biracial child, one of those cultures will inevitably be lost, because they are most likely to choose a mate who does not have ties to the same two cultures. This is also true for two people who are from different brown communities. Also, it should go without saying, but you all clearly aren’t good with picking up on subtleties, so I’ll say it explicitly. There is clearly something very wrong with anyone who will only enter into or engage in sexual/romantic relations with people who don’t look like them or either of their biological parents. That shit ain’t right. To conclude my long rant on interracial relationships, Black people should definitely not have non-strictly platonic relationships with white people because of white peoples’ extremely toxic and harmful obsession with them, and because even nature disapproves. I also recommend that other people of color refrain from non-strictly platonic relationships with white people as well. White peoples’ thing is taking the easy way out and stealing from others, and that’s what they’re trying to do with their genetics. They need to learn the true meaning of hard work, because it doesn’t involve starting or running a company. Black and brown people used to (although many in “undeveloped” areas still can) be able to take the subtle nudges from nature and adjust accordingly before nature had to get a lot less subtle with its signs of disapproval. On the other hand, the white people never possessed that ability to recognize nature’s subtle messages, so by the time they do understand that they’re doing something of which nature doesn’t approve, nature has already stepped up its game to catastrophic levels. At which point, the white people are always so surprised and like “NATURE, HOW DARE YOU!!” And then proceed to take nature’s signs of trying to prevent them from ultimate self-destruction as a call to extend and strengthen their control over nature, which will ultimately lead to their and everyone else’s self-destructive behavior making humans go bye-bye for good, because you dumb-asses are still following white peoples’ lead. You need to let white people learn, on their own, how to live with their unnatural, and naturally undesirable genes, and by “let”, I mean force, make, leave them with no other choice. Black and brown people, you can help them on their journey, but that help should not, under any circumstances, involve sex or romantic relationships. This applies to all of the strippers and sex workers, too. I see you. You all play an integral role in this as well, and you have to make some inconvenient choices, too! For example, to the strippers: you can take their money, but no more lap dances for the white people. To paraphrase Chris Rock: “there is [to be] NO [more] SEX [with white people] in the champagne room. Absolutely, positively, no sex [with white people] in the champagne room”. To the sex workers, you’re going to have to decline the white clients. The rest of you can just stop thinking that you’re better than sex workers. They have sex as work to make money to live, while you people work to make money so that you can find and/or keep around people with whom you can have sex for pleasure. I judge you both equally…except those who are sex workers just because it’s an easy way to make money…I judge them more harshly, but that doesn’t just apply to them, it applies to everyone who chooses to do things the easy way even though they don’t have to and that they are putting themselves and/or others in harm’s way. Even if you’re married and/or in a long-term “committed relationship”, if you are having sex for pleasure, i.e., any reason other than procreation, then you are no better than sex workers…including those who, for “religious reasons” don’t use contraception, end up popping out 6, 7, 8, 9, 10+ kids, and using the excuse of ‘well, that’s how many God has chosen to bless us with’ when you both know that you’re still just having sex for pleasure like all those other people. I mean, really, the world is already way too infested with humans. That moral high horse that you think you’re sitting on is actually a pile of rotting corpses and people screaming for help as they’re slowly being crushed to death under the weight of your hypocrisy. In other words, I don’t agree with it, but sex work needs to be decriminalized because people who feel that they have no other options are being abused, trafficked and murdered, but they can’t go to law enforcement because they will end up in prison. Also, everyone who truly wants to end white supremacy once and for all have to help these sex workers, because not only will they lose income by giving up, in some cases, extremely wealthy white clients, but some of these white males who suddenly can’t get sex with Black and/or brown people for free, are going to become more desperate and go to sex workers—some even attempting to harm the sex worker because they were refused. THIS IS AN ALL HANDS ON DECK SITUATION, BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE! So, you all will have to help the Black and brown sex workers find other, safer sources of income in exchange for refusing to service white clients. Black and brown people, it doesn’t matter if you’re heterosexual, gay-for-pay, or LGBTQIA+, you all need to − F U C K I N G white people. ————————————————————————————————————————— Dear Black people who have been with, are currently with, or have intentions to be with a person(s) of the white race in a sexual, romantic, or otherwise non-strictly platonic manner: This blog post serves as an official notification from your BCWP (before contact with white people) Black ancestors and Nature for you to CEASE AND DESIST any and all further acts of harassment that have been deemed to be in violation of 18 NL Section 2261 (NL: Laws of Nature). This includes, but is not limited to any action that consists of physical, verbal, and/or non-verbal attacks, i.e., trauma triggers, related to or resulting from sexual and/or lustful encounters, relationships, and/or thoughts with/of any and all white persons, including, but not limited to causing distress through threat of the production of offspring with white persons. You are hereby ordered to immediately stop any further forms of harassment, as your actions violate the Laws of Nature. In addition, you are requested to end any such relationship and discontinue the pursuit of any such relations within twenty (20) business days, affirming that you will refrain from any further acts of harassment. Failure to comply will leave [your BCWP Black ancestors and Nature] no alternatives but to (1) contact other Black people in your community, including on social media, notifying them of your treachery, if applicable; and (2) pursue any and all available equitable remedies deemed to be legal according to the Laws of Nature that can be used to protect [your BCWP Black ancestors and Nature] from your unlawful harassment. Sincerely, Your BCWP Black ancestors and Nature, via their representative rando on the Interwebs —————————————————————————————————————————- Brown people, I haven’t yet(?) received an official cease and desist order from Nature and your ancestors, but the delay only seems to be due to the lack of agreement on the terms for the order. So, to be on the safe side, I can only strongly recommend that you, too, cease and desist. BIPOCs, Assemble! …but, ssshhh!…Don’t tell the white people. I know I finished several paragraphs ago, but during the period of writing this, one day I woke up with a little diddy from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stuck in my head—even though I haven’t watched that show in years, so I decided to do something proactive about it. While working out, I altered the lyrics a little.…and then I decided to tack it on to the end of this post. If you know this episode, you know the tune. Feel free to sing along in your head: Stuck in a basement sittin’ on a tricycle the world gettin’ on my nerves. Goin’ outta my mind, when I was a kid I thought Nature’d be fine, but now I know that her body’s not hers. #NatureToo. Nature’s body, nature’s choice. I know that’s completely unrelated and not funny, but if you know that episode, now my version is going to be stuck in your head. I just wanted to pay it forward. Ahh…transference. You. Are. Welcome.

Oy vey! Self-respect isn’t so Black [mother] and white

Well, hello there. Once again I return to upload a post that is not Part 2. I go on feeling, and I don’t feel that it’s the right time to destroy all of your illusions/delusions in one fell swoop. This post is related to the current Black Lives Matter movement.

Warning: There are truths in this post that are going to hurt the feelings of Black people, (white) Jewish people, and white people who aren’t Jewish (brown people also may feel some “collateral damage”), but that’s why they say ‘the truth hurts’. I am a nondiscriminatory truth-teller. Facts are facts, and the truth is the truth, whether you like it or not. So, don’t get mad at me if you can’t handle it. Reading this post is your choice. Remember that.

Anyway, I have to add a disclaimer here: If you are not a Black person and are reading this, do not go to the nearest, or any, Black person and try to whitesplain the contents of this post. If you do and they haul off and punch you in the throat, I, although not an advocate for the use of violence, wouldn’t blame them for doing it. I may even go as far as saying that you kind of deserve it considering that you’ve been warned. Instead, if you are close to a Black person and you think that they should read this (they all should), then try saying that you came across a post that you think they’d be interested in reading.

Okay, let’s begin.

Jewish people have the Holocaust and a gaggle of poor, backwoods, heavily inbred white people who proudly vocalize that all Jews should be exterminated. (However, Jews, you need to be careful of the company you keep, because most of those white-collar white Christians cheering on Zionism and the terrorism and oppression of the people of Palestine are the ones who are waiting to lead the charge on your extermination. It’s super-villain psychology 101: the person around you that is encouraging you to hurt/torture/exploit vulnerable people is the same person who will be the first to turn on you as soon as they have a clear opening, i.e., when you’ve alienated everyone else around you, because they are clearly a dangerous, opportunistic socio/psychopath. WHY DO PEOPLE NOT GET THIS?!?—of course, this is a rhetorical question. I know the answer.) Then, there are Black people, these white inbreeds may say they want to ‘kill them niggers’, and all systems/institutions in the US were intentionally (and implicitly) designed to terrorize, torture, and murder Black people (also, all “Western”, i.e., white supremacist, countries are altering their systems, reinterpreting their laws, and finding loopholes to follow in the US’s footsteps on this because of the immigration of Black people from Africa), but neither the white inbreeds nor the white people who created and are maintaining these racist systems want ALL Black people dead. It seems a tad contradictory, right? Why is it that many white people want all Jews to be exterminated, but Black people are the group of people who are made to suffer so much more—more than any other type of people? The answer is simple: more than 90% of Jews are just slightly less basic white people, meaning that Jews don’t have any traits or skills that they themselves don’t possess, so they don’t need them. They think of Jews as dispensable. (Like dogs, white people are products of heavy inbreeding and artificial selection—nature doesn’t create creatures that are clearly not equipped for life on this planet; so, to white people: stop attacking nature like it’s nature’s fault that you have extremely consequentially significant—note the deliberate word choice, because the extent of difference in manifestation is not proportional to the tiny differences in calculable numbers—lower genetic diversity, because it’s not). But, one also has to consider the main difference between Judaism and Christianity: the belief in “Jesus” as a god (specifically, the son of what both believe to be the only god). So, without getting into the origins and what not, basically, many white Christians are subconsciously still holding on to that feeling of rejection by the Jewish people who have continued to reject their “updated/upgraded” and “correct” version of their religion, while also not sharing their secrets—yes, they are that petty. Then, on top of that, there are some Jewish families that have passed on secrets of (what is now referred to as) Christianity that would expose it as the gynophobic/misogynistic white supremacist cult that it is—and was created to be. Hence, the strong desire to eliminate them all to prevent truths from being exposed. Even so, the Jews who know these secrets are Zionists, so they are ultimately just bluffing. They know that revealing these truths would mean that the lies and secrets about Judaism would also end up exposed. So, it comes down to who’s more cowardly and shameless. On the other hand, non-Black people, white people especially, would never even dream of exterminating all Black people because they need them. It’s literally their worst nightmare. Black people survived and thrived for tens of thousands of years before you non-Black people evolved, whereas non-Black people have never lived in a world without Black people, and, if you’re honest with yourself, wouldn’t know what to do or how to survive in such a world. (Side note: when I say “thrive”, I’m not referring to money, because money is merely a tool for the weak, incompetent, and most insecure to control the strong, least insecure, and best equipped to live in harmony with nature. It should be done away with.) Contrary to what white (non-Black) people say, it’s not because Black people are “inherently violent” and “aggressive”, because these characteristics are merely projections of their own self-image onto Black people. White people are clinging to white supremacy and obsessive-compulsive about controlling/dominating and forcing Black people to help them because they’re afraid that Black people having their freedom would result in Black people choosing not to help them. White people, in particular, are absolutely petrified and terrified at the thought of being excluded and left to their own devices, as they were in the distant past (epigenetic trauma, anyone? I may get into this in a later post on race and human evolution). The mere thought of it gives them panic attacks, which manifest as very dangerous and psychotic temper tantrums.

Did you hear that mic drop?

Now, to Black males: none of you should be whining about how you have it the worst because you are more frequently murdered by white police officers than Black females because, here’s the thing: the Black female is white males’ most favoritest, prized, and sought after toy, so its just that they want to play with them more, you know, like psychos do. You should know the famous Malcolm X quote: “the most disrespected person in America is the black woman, the most unprotected person in America is the black woman, the most neglected person in America is the black woman.” In terms of social stratification, Black females make up the bottom-most group (meaning that, whatever problems other people have, if a Black female has that problem, or belongs to another minority group in addition to being Black and female, then she is much more worse off in life than anyone else with those problems/belonging to that additional minority group). Black females are shit on and abused more than anyone else—they get it from white males, white females, brown males, brown females, Black males, and other Black females. It’s because they’re the polar opposite of white males, who, I should remind you, have been traveling the world for many, many centuries conning, backstabbing (literally and figuratively), betraying, defaming/aspersion casting, raping, pillaging, plundering, terrorizing, and murdering, ultimately setting the example that, if you want to “win at life”, then you should emulate our (white males’) behavior. Black females, who, as a group, have unparalleled empathy and compassion, are carrying generations of Black females who have endured the pain of watching white males torture and murder their children and other Black males in their family, while being tortured and murdered themselves, trying to comfort you Black males, and trying to figure out how to make adjustments so that they can optimally protect their children and Black male partners/family and tribal members under such impossible circumstances. This is in addition to the weight of all of their Black male ancestors who were terrorized, tortured, and murdered by white males. (Yes, epigenetic trauma is a real thing.) Meanwhile, so many of you Black males only seem to be able to take your mouth off of the pasty, filthy dick and musty balls of white males when they inevitably hurt your feelings. At which time you run to the nearest Black female(s) for comfort, coddling, and protection. But, after you feel sufficiently recharged, and have sucked the life out of that (those) Black female(s), you run right back to the white man, get on your knees, and assume the position of being their dick-sucking pet servant. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Ad nauseam.

With that said, there is a connection between police brutality and domestic violence among the Black community, and it is the Black mother. I know that the Black mother is considered to be not up for discussion/criticism because she has the heaviest burden, but I’m going there today because you Black people will never be able to experience true freedom until someone does. The Black mother is, much more often than not, the one who gives “the talk” to the Black son. Even if the Black father does, or contributes, what the Black mother says holds more weight with the Black son because he trusts her more than anyone else in the world. However, “the talk” from the Black mother is almost always some version of ‘just come back home to me’. In other words, the Black mother is telling the Black son that her selfish desire to just have him alive because she has a deeply rooted fear of being abandoned by a Black male is more important than his self-respect and dignity. Telling the Black son to not “resist” or fight back when he is being manhandled and disrespected by a racist white police officer, and to just be obedient, keep his head down, and not fight for his life is extremely emasculating. Yes, Black mothers, you have (are) emasculated (emasculating) your Black son(s). Because they trust their Black mother with their life, the Black son ends up choosing to forego their own manhood (which is not related to toxic masculinity) and self-respect to please their insecure and hurting Black mother. Even so, the Black son doesn’t just let this go. Subconsciously, they are intensely angry at their Black mother for this. But, because it’s their mother, they redirect the anger that they don’t even know that they have toward her, onto other Black females. So, the Black son, who doesn’t respect himself, is also ultimately incapable of genuinely respecting any Black female, including his Black mother, who is the person with whom he is actually angry, and who is the person with whom he is in a codependent relationship that is set up so that he mistakenly believes that what he feels for her is respect. What’s more, this message of “don’t fight for your life” extends to every part of their life—not just as it pertains to the police and other arbitrarily designated (white) authority figures. Consequently, the Black son grows up to become a weak, cowardly, pathetic excuse for a Black man.

Now, if you pile on the issue of domestic violence on top of this, how the Black mother responds to abuse at the hands of a Black male is the sole determinant of whether the Black son will abuse other Black females. For example, if the Black son sees his Black mother be abused by a Black man and she responds by giving the abuser more attention and further neglecting him/his siblings, although he is consciously angry at the Black male abuser, he is also subconsciously seething in anger at his weak Black mother who chose her abuser over him/his siblings. He also subconsciously takes from this the lesson that, when he wants more attention from a Black female, he should abuse her. As a result, even if he has convinced himself that he would never hit a female after seeing it happen to his Black mother, he definitely will—100%.

I didn’t watch the entire George Floyd murder video, but I do know how long that white policeman had his knee on his neck. Look, a sadistic, power-tripping, racist psychopath is always going to do what a sadistic, power-tripping, racist psychopath does. So, my biggest problem was that George Floyd didn’t even attempt to fight back. There is no level of “good” that Black people can be for this kind of thing to not continue to happen, and you all know that. As I mentioned above, white people are like dogs in many ways, another way is that, like dogs, white males in particular (it’s not as common or strong in non-white males and, even less common, but still present, in some white females), have a tendency to blackout and enter into what I like to call fear-induced rage trances. It involves them basically losing consciousness and going on auto-pilot, and the only way for them to come out of this trance is for them to be physically disturbed during the middle of it, or for them to kill/completely destroy the target. However, like a dog, someone physically disturbing the white male in this rage trance usually results in them redirecting their rage onto the person who physically disturbed them, even if that person is the person who they felt they were trying to protect (the “owner” in the dog’s case). As an example, years ago, there was a female cop who pushed her white male colleague off of a Black male who he was choking to death. The white policeman immediately responded by punching her in the face, and later reported her. She was subsequently fired from the police force. Watch a view videos of white policemen murdering unarmed Black people, and then watch a couple episodes of “Dog: Impossible” and you’ll understand where I’m coming from. The only difference between the dog and the white male in a rage trance is that the fear that sends the dog into the rage trance is a projection of the fear of their “owner”, whereas the white male’s fear is his own. White people spook very easily, and have a tendency to believe that nearly everything is an immediate threat to their existence. Completely irrational. It’s a wretched existence. With that said, this is absolutely not an excuse, and there are plenty of white males who know exactly what they’re doing and are doing it because they are racist, sadistic psychopaths who enjoy it. This is merely insight. This isn’t a ‘mentally ill or monster’ conundrum. They are both mentally ill, and a monster, because even after they come out of this rage trance, they show no remorse, make a conscious decision to insist that they were the victim, and do whatever necessary to make sure that they don’t receive any consequences for their actions.

I also know that George Floyd called out for his Black mother with his last few breaths. He wanted her permission to fight back. He wanted to know why, although she told him that everything would be okay if he just didn’t “resist” or fight back, he was slowly, humiliatingly, and painfully being murdered in the street by White Massa. HE DIED IN HUMILIATION, BLACK PEOPLE! Start fighting back, you hybrid disappointments to your before-contact-with-white-people (BCWP) Black ancestors! In such situations, the white male is going to kill them no matter what they do, so you, Black mothers (and fathers), for the sake of your child(ren) should much rather your Black child go down (wisely and sagaciously!) fighting than cowering at the hands of White Massa and/or begging for his life like a coward. There will always be those white people who reflexively and defensively imply (or explicitly state) that the unarmed murdered Black person had it coming, and you know that, so, in this situation, what’s your excuse for not literally fighting for your life, Black people, hm? Black people, how can you have the audacity to expect white people to respect you when you don’t respect yourselves—when you still interpret Black Lives Matter as “just don’t die”? You people care so much about how white people view you, and you’re so quick to throw the little money that you have at White Massa because you value your image more than your health.

Even worse, Black females are fighting each other over weak, pathetic excuses for Black men, and putting each other down because they think that it’ll make them appear more desirable to Black males (some without realizing that they’re doing it). Black females, the reason that you cling to extremely weak and damaged Black males who are incapable of respecting anyone, including themselves, is because you’re afraid of being alone. However, there is something that everyone, and especially Black females, need to know. I alluded to it earlier in this post, and you may not want to believe it, but even if you don’t, it’s still the truth: Black females, particularly those who don’t have European blood flowing through their veins, are the most desirable type of female. The reason is because they have the highest genetic diversity. Because humans are actually animals (whether you want to believe it or not), they have basic animal instincts, and the one relevant in this case is: seek out a mate of the opposite sex who has high genetic diversity, because high genetic diversity = better health and biological fitness, and thus, not only a higher rate of survival, but also a higher likelihood of thriving. Humans weren’t consciously aware of this fact until recently. Anyway, in following their instincts, the Black female wanting to choose a mate with the highest genetic diversity will always want to choose a Black male. (In contrast, Black males tend to have no problem impregnating a female of any race, although until somewhat recently, they only impregnated non-Black females but would choose Black females as actual life partners.) White males saw this, and after coming to terms with the fact that Black females will never voluntarily choose to mate with them, they began an insanely obsessive and ongoing campaign of destroying the Black female’s self-esteem and self-respect by enacting all types of abuse toward them and their children, murdering their children in front of them, raping them, defamation/character assassination, etc. And, as expected, males of other races who were jealous and (whether consciously or not) desired a Black female saw white males’ behavior and found the confidence to act on their own inferiority complex and feeling of rejection by Black females and began abusing and disrespecting Black females. Likewise, of course, white females were raring to go when the opportunity came to act on their deep-seated bitter jealousy of Black females. They began (unintentionally or otherwise) abusing Black females in various ways, supporting/encouraging their male partner to abuse Black females, and/or acting as if there was no problem, i.e., as if it is only natural that Black females are abused, when they saw it happening. Again, with the spread of white supremacy, non-white females also felt (subconsciously) that it was okay to act on the bitter jealousy that they were not aware that they were harboring, and treat Black females with such disrespect. So, Black females’ belief that they are ugly, not smart, undesirable, too “mannish”, and all of the other negative feelings that are associated with their negative self-image actually stems from white peoples’ inferiority complexes, and it is the exact opposite of reality. White males’ “subconscious” plan to lower the self-esteem and self-respect of Black females so much so that they (Black females) would come to voluntarily choose to mate with them (white males) has been incredibly successful. It is also the reason that so many Black females cling to these pathetic and extremely disrespectful Black males for dear life, thinking that they are undesirable because they are a Black female, when the truth is that there is nothing that Black females can do to not be desirable to males. You, Black females, need to understand and never forget this fact. You need to take some time to be single (if you aren’t in a relationship with one of the too-few decent Black men) and take a break from reproducing to focus on restoring Black sisterhood so that you can heal, and not be so desperate as to run into the arms of a version of White Massa who’s playing nice-nice because “you just want to be loved”, or one who is willing to reduce himself to worshiping you like a god. Your BCWP Black female ancestors never turned on each other and weren’t afraid of being alone because they knew they had each other. You picked up this shit from white people. This weakness, and level of desperation and cowardice aren’t becoming on you, Black females.

Anyway, Black people, if you started fearlessly and sagaciously defending yourselves and fighting back—without stopping because it’s just easier (and with the help of white and other non-Black people), I guarantee you that the white people holding on to white supremacy for dear life would eventually stop. As I stated, white people wouldn’t dare try to kill all Black people because they need you, but as long as you keep taking it, they’re going to keep doing it. This applies to Black females as well. It’s not easy, but it’s just that simple. For Black [and many brown] people, the fear of death came with Christianity, you know, that “religion” (cult) that was all but forced upon you by the same (white) people who were enslaving, raping, terrorizing, torturing, and murdering you. ‘Member?…You ‘member! (pat yourself on the back if you know that reference!) It’s an inherently defective product, you need to return it.

So, to the Black mother who has given this “talk” to their Black son: you need to acknowledge that you wanting your Black son to do whatever it takes to “just come back home” is 100% the result of you being afraid of losing the “unconditional love” you receive from him—a Black male, that you have a fear of being abandoned by Black males, and that it is the main reason that he doesn’t respect himself, and can’t respect Black females. You need to say this out loud…to him, so that you can allow him to be free and break the cycle so that he can truly become a real Black man.

To the Black son who received this “talk” from their Black mother: you need to acknowledge that you are holding anger toward your Black mother for forcing you to choose between her feelings and your self-respect. You also need to keep in mind that she is broken and has been heavily damaged, and that she actually did what she thought was best. You need to convey this to your Black mother so that you can let go of this anger and learn to respect yourself and Black women. Break the cycle.

To the Black female who hasn’t yet, but will one day have this “talk” to their Black son: you need to become strong enough to be able to put his manhood and need for self-respect above your own insecurities and fear of abandonment by a Black male. Your “talk” with him should entail you explaining that he may come into contact with a violent socio/psychopathic racist white person/police officer, and that, if that white officer starts manhandling him (not merely arresting him for something he knew he did) and disrespects him, his “goodness” likely won’t change the outcome. So, even though you want nothing more than for him to come home to you, if he is being attacked unprovoked, you want him to fearlessly fight for his life, because you believe that his life is worth fighting for.

To those of you wondering why I didn’t address the Black daughter, and what you, as a Black mother or father, should say to her: this entire post, up to this point, has addressed the Black daughter. “The talk” with the Black daughter should cover everything I’ve already stated, from the part about how Black females are at the bottom of the social hierarchy and abused more than any other group of people, and that they’re carrying the pain of all of their enslaved Black female and male ancestors in addition to being expected to comfort and coddle Black males, to the part about how Black males don’t respect themselves and treat Black females horribly because they are subconsciously angry at their Black mother for making them choose between their self-respect and her fears and insecurities, to the part about how, long ago, white males began a campaign to obsessively and continuously chip away at Black females’ self-esteem, self-respect, and sense of self-worth and desirability so that Black females, who are actually the most desirable type of female, will sacrifice the genetic diversity and health of their potential offspring and voluntarily choose to mate with white males. If you, as a Black parent, can explain this to your Black daughter, and not project your insecurities onto her, her BCWP Black female instincts will kick in and she’ll know what to do from there. All you’ll have to do is support her and make sure that she has everything that she needs.

With that said, I’m not saying that you, Black people, should run around picking fights and destroying shit—not because of the bad optics, but because that would make you stupid because you aren’t destroyers (and also because the CIA/extremely wealthy white males are sending detractors to incite such chaos). It’s not your forté. That’s white people shit. An example: downtown Philadelphia after the Eagles won the Superbowl in 2018—white males destroy things when they’re happy, when they’re sad, and when they’re angry; it’s their default. What’s also interesting about this is that, before the game, police officers knew that, no matter what the outcome, the white males would come out and destroy public and private property in the area, and a white policeman was even filmed saying that “there’s nothing that [the police] can do”. On the other hand, when (mostly) Black people (and some non-Black allies) are gathered together outside chanting and holding signs, there are obviously a lot of things that the police can do. Everyone expects white people to be incompetent, destructive, inconsiderate, and violent, so when they act that way, it’s tolerated because “they just don’t know better” (or because they directly benefit from it). However, just like those (white) children who curse at their parents, raise their hand to/hit their mother—calling her a bitch and whatnot, are constantly throwing temper tantrums and running around like ‘weeee, my parent(s) let me do whatever I want’, and are extremely disrespectful to their parents, they’re just upset and acting out because they want you non-white people, and especially Black people, to give them boundaries and discipline and be consistent and persistent about it. For the slower kids in the back, no discipline or boundaries means that parents don’t care enough about their children to want them to grow and be healthy and safe. That’s what this is about. White people don’t know better because you Black and brown people haven’t disciplined them and established and enforced boundaries. Thus, they (white people) don’t think that you care about them. BOOM! Two mic drops in one post. Now, Black people, I know that you didn’t ask for the equivalent of the offspring of two people who clearly should not have reproduced, and who you soon come to realize has numerous severe behavioral problems and cognitive deficits, to be dropped off at your doorstep for you to take care of, and no, it’s not fair, but it is what it is. So, what are you going to do about it?

Anyway, stick to your strengths, Black people. I don’t just mean physically defending yourself and fighting for your life. This also entails educating yourself in all other aspects involved in your oppression, e.g., Big Pharma, the military-industrial complex, who has old money (e.g., Lloyd’s of London), who’s in the board rooms of corporations, the police caste system and “bro codes”, the truths about the “food” and other commercial products that wealthy white socio/psychopaths are selling as “safe”, GMOs, environmental toxins, real estate, funding allocation, law (everything related to your rights), and so much more. It also entails finding all of those loopholes that upper- and upper-middle-class people have been using for generations so that you can avoid things escalating to the point where you would have to physically fight for your life. Black people, it’s do or die time, you all need to learn to become double-0 negro (no, white people…no, this is not a joke that you have the right to say to Black people because you “want to fit in”). You have to stop being so quick to believe white people in power (White Massa)—who have very clear conflicts of interest—just because it’s easier than doing the research, thinking for yourself, and taking responsibility for your own life. This is for those of you Black (and brown) people (and true white allies) who have the means of educating yourself, and/or have the ability to access insider information regarding these systems of oppression. If you really want things to change, you also need to go and teach what you’ve learned to those Black (and brown) people who don’t have the means or luxury of educating themselves on such matters, and to exchange information amongst yourselves so that no one who truly and sincerely wants to end white supremacy once and for all is left out. Stop waiting for (white) Jesus to save you, Black people, because it’s never going to happen. Daddy-issues-having (white) Jesus wants you to keep turning the other cheek because it benefits him and his father, “God”, i.e., White Massa. Step up and take responsibility for yourselves. Now, if you, Black person, don’t want to stop shucking and jiving for White Massa because you “have a family to think about”, or you’re just after more money and power for yourself so you just continue to play the white man’s game, then the least you can do for the Black community is to publicly state that you’re afraid of standing up for true equality—don’t lie to yourself or others about your cowardice, because that makes you part of the problem. For the rest of you Black people, you need absolute resolve. It’s either true freedom in life or true freedom in death. If you’re going to fight, then fight for your life with everything that you have, because the life that you are currently living is so much more painful than death.

Lastly, Black people, you need to seek out and build strong relationships with your Indigenous brothers and sisters, because they can help you reconnect with your BCWP Black ancestors so that you can heal, and they are the only other group of people in the US who truly understand the true nature of white people, and that they have no boundaries when it comes to getting something that they want. Your non-Christian Indigenous brothers and sisters can also help you to shift away from faith in White Massa to faith in yourselves. However, to those of you Black people who look down on the Indigenous people because of their spirituality and practices, you should know that you are spitting in the face of your BCWP Black ancestors. (This is also true for those of you who look down on Black people who never left the Motherland.) This is nothing but self-hate. White people have conditioned you and all other non-white people to hate, repress, and reject in themselves what they (white people) can’t see in themselves. You’re just jealous that they are connected to their roots, whereas you know nothing before slavery (this is also why so many can’t let go of the misogynistic white supremacist cult that is Christianity…or the word “nigga”). Your connections to your BCWP Black ancestors have been severed, so you don’t remember what it means to be truly free. That’s why you’re so afraid of freedom. Your Indigenous brothers and sisters can help you to reconnect to nature, and thus, with your truly free BCWP Black ancestors. However, if you can’t handle them discussing their ancestors and spirituality without you trying to convert them to Christianity, you deserve everything that White Massa (i.e., your “God”) and his son, your Lord and (white) Savior (white) Jesus, do to you—excuse me, allow to happen. If/when you or someone you know gets cancer, thank your “God” (White Massa) and (white) Jesus for creating so much garbage poison that mutates your cells. Every time a Black child is shot to death in the hood by another Black person, thank your “God” (White Massa) and (white) Jesus for introducing cocaine and crack and guns to your neighborhoods. When you see or hear about Black people fighting or killing each other over who gets to swallow White Massa’s cum (this is in reference to Popeye’s chicken sandwich), thank your “God” (White Massa) and (white) Jesus for deliberately creating addictive poison, calling it “food”, and using it as another means to control Black people, etc. ad nauseam. You are miserable, broken, and mentally ill, so stop pretending like you know how other people can achieve peace when you don’t have it. STOP ACTING LIKE WHITE PEOPLE! IT’S NOT WHO YOU ARE! IT’S SO INFURIATING! I rebuke the blood of European rapist psychopaths that flows through your veins in the names of your BCWP Black ancestors! This message has been brought to you in cooperation with your BCWP Black ancestors. Also, since we’re on the topic: all people are not the same! Stop with that nonsense! White people, and unfortunately some Black people, like to say ‘we’re all the same’. But, no, you’re not. The differences between white and Black people are stark, even though they have been corrupted and white people have managed to fuck them up so badly that they adopted some of their disgusting behavior (brown people as well…of course).

Equality doesn’t mean that everyone should be treated as the same person. True equality mandates the acknowledgment, fostering, and embracing of individuality, including the weaknesses and strengths of each individual, and the differences between ethnic groups (and NOT using this information against them—I’m talking about you, white people).

To the non-Black people (especially white people): you need to give Black people the space, allowances, access, and resources necessary to heal, and ensure that Black people have these things, because you’ll never be okay until they are—especially Black females. They—particularly, Black females—are exhausted beyond your understanding, and they need you to listen to them, fight with/for them, use your privilege to shield them when necessary, and be willing to give up your privilege (white people) for the sake of your own and your child(ren)’s health and well-being. You need their foresight, wisdom, guidance, and strength. Stop lying to yourselves as if you don’t. Your only other option is to continue following (white) Jesus to your own slow, torturous, and exceedingly painful destruction. Two choices. Take your pick and make it known to everyone. And don’t you dare take away from this that you’re somehow more mentally stable than Black people, because I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface on how fucked up you non-Black people (especially white people) are. As I stated, you non-Black people need Black people (again, especially Black females) to fully heal first, because you can’t heal without their help, and they can’t help you if they aren’t fully healed. It’s that simple.

And, just as an add-on, among all of you who don’t know what it means to be truly free, the overwhelmingly vast majority of you conflate fear and respect. However, if someone fears you, they don’t respect you, and if someone truly respects you, they don’t fear you. Cowards (like “God”, aka White Massa to Black people) demand that you fear them because they’re deeply insecure and don’t respect themselves…they don’t even know what it means to be respected. On the other hand, only those who truly respect themselves can be respected by others. That’s why so many “leaders”, particularly white males, whose insecurities run so deep that they could paradoxically fill a bottomless pit, use fear to get what they want. Do you want to be feared or respected? As for me, I will be respected.

Oh, and I need for all of you ignoramuses who are clearly lacking any reasonable level of self-awareness to stop referring to humans who do incomprehensibly cruel things to other humans as “animals”. As I mentioned, yes, humans are technically animals, but humans are the most vile and disgusting species that has ever lived. Calling that type of human an “animal” is inordinately offensive to all non-human animals. No other species does things like torture each other for pleasure, go around killing others at random because it makes them feel like a god, or terrorize their own offspring. Humans are the savage monsters, not non-human animals. Fuck you, stop it. Considering the traits, behaviors, qualities, and values that humans today value, as well as the original meaning of words like ‘inhuman/inhumane’, which means ‘not, or opposite of human’, to be called ‘inhumane/inhuman’ technically means compassionate, considerate, empathetic, sympathetic, and thoughtful. As such, I would have to say that I’m definitely very much inhuman. I mean, if we want to be brutally honest here, you should call that type of disgustingly cruel and vile human a white man, because, I mean…really. Deep down, everyone knows. The only problem is that white males won’t take it as an insult.

So much to say, but I’m over this post now. The end.